Episode 4

Christian Worldview Speaker & Author Israel Wayne


September 9th, 2024

1 hr 21 secs

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About this Episode

Israel explains how his mother helped originate the modern homeschool movement in 1983 & subsequently published a homeschool magazine

11- years ago he started Family Renewal along with his wife. And, he speaks at 30- to-50 events per year.

How he followed in his mother’s business & how he and his sister proofread his mother’s magazine.

How difficult it was initially to reach teenagers. Dr. George Barna’s research said that a child’s worldview is locked in by age 12. So, that is why it is important for parents to reach children or disciple them as early as possible.

Parents thought the church would disciple their children and so they underestimate the cultural influences upon their kids.

Parents on average only spend about 90 minutes per day with their children, so much of that time are not discipling. Parents need to be more intentional.

Israel Wayne believes 150% that children need to see their parents worship, and we should not be segregating them when it comes to the church service.

George Barna, the Christian researcher, also agrees that only 12% of children get anything worthwhile by church youth groups. 88% do not benefit from church youth groups segregated from the church services.

A lot of kids grow up in church without attending any of the main services. Kids grow up without knowing the body or the community of the church they attend.

Israel & his wife always have kept their children with them throughout the service.

Too many churches have replaced relationships with programs. Proverbs 22:15, says children have foolishness in their hearts rather than the fear of the Lord. They need more time spent with older, wiser instructors & mentors who have the fear of the Lord in them.

Churches under utilize their seniors even though they are often the wisest.

We have too many ill-equipped young people teaching other young children

Conversation shifts to what is a “Biblical Marriage.” His mother was not a Christian, early on and he is the product of a broken family starting when he was 6-years old. During his young adult life, he was without a father figure.

His mother did not become a Christiaan until Israel was 12 years old.

How he was able to avoid the pitfalls of a broken home? Israel learned at an early age. He learned holding onto bitterness would make him bitter.

How he values gratitude and living in gratitude every day.

As a teen, he was very distrusting of mentors. The Word of God was his initial go-to and sustained him until he found adult mentors.

Grace & Truth in Christian parenting today. What that means and it’s often permissive parenting. It’s biblical for children to obey their parents. Too many parents obey their children instead of the other way around. Parents want to threat their children as equals. And, children are not equipped to make adult decisions.

Too many parents listen to pop psychology voices instead of Christian teachers & voices. Too many evangelical churches are too worldly. Parents need rules for children, but it’s okay to be conservative. But our “house” rules are not the same or on the same level as God’s commands. House rules do not equate to holiness.

Israel tells the story of his raising own kids. As he matured as a parent, he always wanted to get to the heart of his child’s bad behavior. Pride & self-love are often what’s in the heart in those failed moments. Parents need to learn how to point their children to Jesus in all things.

Conversation shifts to Christian Education….how his late mother would look at what has become of homeschooling today. Homeschooling is about restoring the family.

New homeschooling parents are not religious, but they see the value of keeping their children close to home. He discusses the reasons parents are pulling their children out of public schools and now Christian private schools.

What should the goals of Christian parents be when homeschooling their children.

All the things that are out there for parents, but the lack of clarity of definition of what comprises a homeschool can be problematic.

But, more state & educational regulations are not the answer because in public schools the standards and results are lower.

We talked about public school teacher/turned homeschool advocate John Taylor Gatto and how his mother was instrumental in getting him published.

Wayne talks about books he’s written that are aimed directly at homeschool parents.

Website: familyrenewal.org. Ordering from his website, he’ll sign the books you purchase directly from him.

Last comment about his homeschool pioneering mother.

How to book him as a speaker. Separate website: Israelwayne.com

His Chrisitan apologetics website is Christianworldview.net.