Episode 5

Child's Play


October 22nd, 2024

51 mins 52 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Host: Fred Zielonko
Guest: Dr. Peter Gray-Evolutionary Research Psychologist -Boston College & Expert on Child’s Play-His primary book is “Free to Learn.”

Fred sets up a scenario for Dr. Gray to analyze his own 1960’s upbringing.
Dr. Gray said Fred’s childhood mirrors his childhood in the 1950’s growing up in Minnesota.
Dr. Gray expounds about how, due to changes in the world, we have limited child’s play that in turn has limited child development. We are not allowing children to become independent via the use of play.
Dr. Gray explains how he became interested in researching play. It had to do to with his own rebellious son’s development. His son had difficulty following rules.
By the time his son was in the 4th grade, Dr. Gray & his wife decided his son needed a different kind of school that was less structured. His son’s brain was wired differently, and he was demanding that his feelings be respected.

The alternative school did not have a formal curriculum, mixed grade levels, and the children had an equal role in making the rules of how the school was to be operated.
His son thrived there and it turned out to be a great choice.

Then, Dr. Gray & Fred discussed what defines “play.” Dr. Gray determined it was self-directed by the children & self-controlled by the children. So, he wondered how these students learned anything being self-directed. He learned that the older kids helped teach the young kids, while the older kids learned to respect the younger children, sort of a throwback to a 1-room schoolhouse.

Play according to Dr. Gray is an activity initiated & directed by the children themselves. No adults involved. It’s how children learn how to negotiate, compromise, resolve disagreements, and to set their own rules.

How Charles Schultz’s cartoon strip “Peanuts” encapsulated the golden era of play

When the golden age of self-directed play began to decline and why.

In 1955, adults began to colonize child’s play. 1955 was the year more families had television than did not. And, then too, the Mickey Mouse Club started robbing children of their playtime because the program came on immediately after school.

1st time advertisers could reach parents through their children. Many new toys were designed for indoor play. So, Dr. Gray and his buddies began to go home and watch TV instead of playing outdoors after school.

Dr. Gray then begins to discuss the detrimental impact of reduced play on children as they grow older.

Dr. Gray not only thinks parents hover too much, but statistically, parents too, are paranoid about letting children out of their sight.
Depriving children of the opportunity to have self-directed play is uniquely American.
Dr. Gray sums up what the major changes have been that caused the decline of play and its detrimental effects.
Normal parenting in the 1950 & ‘60’s would get parents in trouble with child protective services.
Second biggest reason for the decline of “play” is the too much schooling, too many hours per day, too many days per years & too many years in school. So, school time has increased along with the amount of homework that all has deprived children of playtime.
However, while parents acknowledge kids need more play time, they also insist their children learn more and spend more time in school.
Number one cause of stress among kids is too much schooling & academic pressure
What Dr. Gray developed to counter act the lack of play.
He is one of four founders of “Let Grow” a nonprofit to establish more free play and exploration via Play Club, all grades play time whereby teachers & adults cannot intervene just for emergencies. Let them figure things out.